Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Frame Work Mind Map

I decided to mind map the points that I found important in the Theory of Engagement.

Engagement is making the topic interesting, challenging and meaningful to to the student, this is going to be help the student to be engaged in the class; so that would mean that by RELATING THE TOPIC TO THE STUDENTS you are going to be more likely to get the best results from them.

Ritual Compliance is where the student completes the work simply avoid conflict. They generally only work to the minimum standard because they are uninterested in the topic; you would find that by RELATING THE TOPIC TO THE STUDENTS you could actually get the students to do the work for themselves and even enjoy working.

Strategic Compliance is when the student is working for the grades or approval, not because they are interested. They aren't working to the goals you set but to goals they set themselves, this can be a good motivator however you may find that they are uninterested in the task and aren't actually learning because they aren't interested. Obviously the student needs POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT to keep them working, and a topic that is RELATED TO THE STUDENTS INTERESTS will interest them and help them retain the learning.

Retreatism is when the student is disengaged, distracted or confused because they find the work irrelevant and they cannot relate it to themselves so they refuse to participate. By RELATING THE TOPIC TO THE STUDENTS INTERESTS you are going to get more participation from the student.

Rebellion is when a student expresses negativity and attempts to distract others from the topic because they don't find the topic interesting or relevant to themselves. They would be more engaged if the TOPIC RELATED TO THEIR INTERESTS.

As you can most likely gather, I find relating the topic to the students a very important point and I hope everyone else can see the importance too. For further information on the Theory of Engagement click here.

-Kyah xx

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