Monday, August 23, 2010


Okay, it has clearly been too long since I managed to get myself organised and back up here but I am here for now. I have a feeling I am going to be spending quite some time on this entry so I have settled in for a late night tonight.

Since my last entry we focused on several different things, the first of which was Podcasting. I didn't really like the idea of podcasting, I'm not quite sure how I would use it in a class mainly because I don't actually know how to make it work. I have been told that technology hates me, and some days I can see why someone might say that (today's activity seems to hate me), I guess this particular piece of tech just isn't for me. I had my attempt at messing around with this piece of technology and I failed miserably! Unfortunately this means I do not have anything to show for my attempts.

We played with Voki's in this lesson also. A Voki is an animated character (or animal) and you choose a face, a hair style, accessories, clothes and background, and then you can type in words for your Voki to vocalise for you, or you can record your own voice and have your Voki speak your recording. I imagine this Voki could be used by a student in a presentation as an introduction, an example, a recording of a quote - something special that can grab the audience's attention, and can show their creative side in what could originally be perceived as a dull task. This is something I think I would like to incorporate into my learning management. I think I could interest a great deal of students with this little doodad (if my younger brothers are anything to judge by!) Everyone had a ball with this activity, myself included, however I am having trouble getting my Voki to my blog. I tried to follow the instructions but I fear I have failed again... If anyone would care to help me out with this I would really appreciate it. =)

We also looked at making our own videos and posting them for everyone to have a look at; a task I fear I will never quite get around to completing so please don't hold your breath. I was hoping to create a video of my brothers doing something creative and constructive, but this never seems to happen when I am around... I did enjoy watching the different kinds of films/motion pictures (whatever you want to label them) and I think that they would be a great way of engaging the students with the work, or documenting the students work. I would love to use this in my classroom in the future, and I'm sure I will once I get the hang of it. I shall persist!

We also covered resizing and uploading images mainly in reference to the Internet. I really enjoyed this class and though I didn't have a chance to use the resizing tool myself, I did get to see how others used it so I will be ale to use it in future should I get the chance. Uploading images is something that I was already familiar with before the class, though I had never been introduced to the resizing tool before that lesson. I think it would be something that I would use in class if I was using images in my presentations, I could resize the image so it wouldn't take up too much room on my USB, or I could get my students to use it for the same purposes, or to resize images that they may be uploading to their blogs for their work. I think I would like to be able to use this tool in my own classes sometime.

I think this sums up what I was missing, and I am currently freaking out because my Internet wants to keep crashing, I have to recover this post every 2 minutes and hope the auto-save kicked in before the crash.. I can tell you now that this is one of those moments when you just aren't sure whether to love or hate technology..! So on that note, I am going to punch the publish button and restart my computer. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get a little bit more done before the crash-fest takes over again.

-Kyah xx

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